01 rasa x installation step by step

Yug Damor
2 min readSep 15, 2020

So in this post, I am going to explain step by step process to install rasa x in your windows system using anaconda prompt.

step 1 install anaconda.

click the link above to download the anaconda

step 2 open anaconda prompt

now we have to create a new virtual environment for our chatbot. we are going to use python 3.6 . as Rasa x only supports python 3.6 and python 3.7

execute below command to a new environment.

conda create -n chatbot1 python=3.6

now we have to activate that environment.

so to activate that environment execute the below command.

conda activate chatbot1

now we have to install the rasa x . but we have to install one more thing before installing rasa. because if you do not install it. then while installing rasa it will show the error.

the error will be like.


All git commands will error until this is rectified.

I am providing the link here. first, you have to install git.

so now our next step is to install the rasa -x

to install rasa x. execute the below command in your anaconda prompt.

pip install rasa-x — extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

it will take some time. and data too..so make sure you are using wifi.

now to create rasa project. you have execute below command.

rasa init

this will create all required files in the current directory.

then you can start your rasa chatbot by executing the below command.

rasa x

that is it. for this tutorial.

thank you.

